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Posts mit dem Label Modkid werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen


And another Kyoko Dress

How many Kyoko Dresses does one need? A lot! 
It's just such an easy and quick pattern. I love it!

This one is made out of some fine jersey I got on sale. I think it was about $4.
What? The stripes don't match? Who cares. I don't! I actually think it's rather nice to break off the symmetry. 

One week from now I will sit in a plane to Germany wearing this dress. I like to wear comfy things while traveling, and thought a knit dress would be perfect.


Another Kyoko Dress

Last Sunday I finally had some time to take pictures of the finished projects of the last weeks. But most of them didn't turn out good enough to post here. I will do it again sometime this week. I did finish the Thurlow Trousers in time with the sew-along, and will post about it as soon as I get some decent pictures.

In the meantime another Kyoko Dress. The fabric is a very flimsy jersey with border print. I bought it off the sales rack at Denver Fabrics in Denver. (not to be confused with the website)

I am still debating with myself if I should hem skirt and sleeves or just leave 'em.  This is such an easy and quick dress pattern. And it makes for a nice casual dress.


Kyoko Dress by Modkid Patterns

I finished this dress a while ago, but didn't get around to take pictures. Now I finally photographed it. I don't feel like modeling my dresses right now. So my dress form has to do. 

The pattern front

My version, in Caravan knit kashmir tobacco by Valorie Wells. Here without the sash. The lighting isn't good, sorry about that.

Modkid Kyoko Dress

 And here with the sash in matching solid fuchsia. I already worn the dress twice and it feels soooo comfortable. Like a soft sweater. One more go-to pattern in my stash!

Modkid Kyoko Dress


First Project with knit and some bags

A couple of weeks ago I bought the Kyoko dress pattern by modkid.

Modkid Patterns Kyoko Dress

I love the pattern and plan to make it with Karavan knit by Valori Wells, the Obi belt will be from the same line in the Fuchsia solid knit.

But before I was to cut into the good fabric I made this wearable muslin from $1/yard knit that I bought at Walmart a while ago. I have never sewn with knits before and I thought I would try it our first on some cheap fabric. After reading a couple of tutorials about sewing with knits and reading the knit chapter in the "Fabric Sewing Guide" by Claire Shaeffer I felt confident enough to give it a try. This particular knit is very lightweight and has a lot of drape. It looks way better on the dress form, then it does on me, though.

Modkid Patterns Kyoko Dress Muslin Front

This is the back of the dress. First when I finished the dress I was very disappointed with how it looked on me. But then I decided to make the Obi belt too, and it gives the dress a way better look. At least with this fabric I wouldn't wear it without the belt. The hem of the skirt is finished with a lettuce hem.

Modkid Patterns Kyoko Dress Muslin Back

I finished all the hems with my serger and I really like the look of it. With the other fabric I will finish the hems with binding from the solid Fuchsia color. The Obi in this version is just one piece of fabric finished with a narrow hem with my serger, since I didn't had enough fabric left to make it from two pieces. 

Modkid Patterns Kyoko Dress Muslin Detail

The intention here wasn't at all to make wavy seams like this, but I am also very new to the whole serger thing and still have to figure out a lot of things. I might take a serger class at the store where I got my Bernina sewing machine. If they let me with my second-hand Singer serger ;-)

Modkid Patterns Kyoko Dress Muslin Detail

I took a break from sewing cloths for a while, because I was so unhappy about the outcome of this dress, so I decided to make some bags. I made this reversible shoulder bag with this tutorial 

Reversible Bag

It was nice to do some stash busting. I used two different fabrics from Lark by Amy Butler. 

Reversible Bag

Initially I bought this polka dot fabric for the Dino Baby Quilt I made, but I ordered the wrong kind and ended up with 1 1/1 yard of this cotton duck. So I decided to make this tote from the book "The new handmade" by Cassie Barden. I didn't put the plywood bottom in it. I think it's just fine without.

The New Handmade Groceries Tote